A great day was had by all at the SE Training Day run by Alison Burgess. Left-Right Angela and Fozz, Cynthia and Penny Patch, Wendy and Hugo, Sue and Oliver, Angelika, Alison, Lesley, Janis and “oh Arthur” with Ali on Monty behind. The group were ably assisted by Sue Page driving her pony Domino for the day to enable people to take their carriage dog instinct tests.
Charles Ellis’ Ralph has a go behind a carriage Ralph is hidden in the photo, as he his sitting on the backstep of the carriage facing Ralph so as to be able to maintain eye contact and to encourage Ralph to come with him. Sue Page driving Domino helped on the day.
DALLY RALLY – Wales August 2013
The DALLY RALLY held in Wales on 31st August was a great success with eight dogs (and their handlers!) gaining instinct certificates. Congratulations to: Linda David and Merlyn; Lynnie Porter and Blizzard; Lester Dagge and Buttons; Giselle and Tim Lockett and Cuba and Domino; Sue Beaman and Ellie; Zoe Gilmore and Rosabelle … for gaining their Carriage Dog Certificates
And to the Lockett’s Louis handled by Fay Moffat-Roberts for gaining his Road Dog certificate. Fay has written a story about her experience so far in taking on the training and handling of someone else’s dog. You can read Fay and Louis’ story here.
John Wilmot talks to the participants about his long experience working with carriage horses and dogs. John;’s dog Ruby, also in the picture, is also trained as a ‘Dancing Dalmatian’! Ruby has won the judge’s special rosette in the past at a Trials, for her exceptional work alongside the wheels of her carriage. It is more difficult to train a dog to run alongside rather than behind, as it does not have the physical barrier of the carriage ahead of it. John previous dogs used to run behind, but he did this with Ruby as the traffic where he lived became heavier and heavier and he wanted to be able to keep her safe.
Some very attentive Dalmatians – and their owners.
BCDS founder Alison Burgess talks to the participants about her experience training Road and Carriage dogs. Alison won the Road Dog championship this year with her dog Tally.
Here is John giving some guidance to Sue Beaman with her young bitch Ellie.
The Dally Rally organiser Lester Dagge driving his pony for Linda David and her dog Merlyn.
And of course the Western tradition of coffee and cake was dutifully upheld by all!
Coach hits the town – September 2013
Miranda Purves of Kent owns and handles Splash, this year’s Carriage Dog Champion. Miranda also owns a restored Victorian Park Drag coach. With horses provided and driven by UK four in hand driving trials competitor Georgina Frith, Miranda’s coach hit the town in the last weekend of September. Miranda writes:
“We took the coach out on Sunday and gave Splash a “go” with it in the field first. I think she thought the coach was rather an odd shape, but she did follow it, but with multiple sniffs along the way. The coach was then driven through the garden up to the house when Splash following it of her own accord! She waited outside the house with the coach awaiting its passengers. The coach was then driven six miles via the lanes to a pub for lunch, then back again. It was all great fun, if not for those cars which were stuck behind it on the narrow lanes!”
But definitely for the Dalmatian lovers who appreciated a little bit of history re-made!
This year’s Carriage Dog Champion – Splash – waits patiently behind her owner Miranda Purves’ Park Drag awaiting its passengers.
Splash takes her traditional place behind the coach.