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Wessex Trials 2015

Mini-Trials August 2015 The Wessex Region held a very successful Training and Mini-Trials weekend in August with special classes followed by a short endurance course.


Carriage Dog (Groom Handler)HugoWendy Ridley1stGemma Goldup
Carriage Dog (Groom Handler)DixieMike Cleland2ndKayti Harvey
Carriage Dog(Groom Handler)FlekkKenny Hurst3rdAngela Cherrington
Carriage Dog(Groom Handler) - on leadFinnCaroline HicksKayti Harvey
Carriage Dog(Groom Handler) - on leadDelilaNatasha FillinghamGemma Goldup
Carriage Dog(Groom Handler) - on leadBlueTrudie PhillipsLorna Hullah
Road DogFifiCaroline Scott
Road DogSashaLisa Rowledge

With thanks to Ann Hurst for these photgraphs

Natasha Fillingham with Delilah.
Caroliine Scott and Fifi in the hock exercise.
Flekk with his owner and handler Kenny Hurst.
Wendy Ridley’s Hugo at in the axle position.
Lisa Rowledge with Sasha in the stay exercise.
Mike Cleland with Dixie.
Mini-Trials organisers Vicky Brennan and Josi Kaal.
Caroline Hicks with Finn in the stay exercise.
Natasha Fillingham’s Delilah at the wheel.

Andy Pratt with Deny going through his Instinct test.
Katharine Midgley has a go to give her dog Indi an Instinct test.
Trudie Phillips with her rescue dog Blue on the marathon course with Lorna Hullah driving her pony pair Bob & Taz, 11.1hh Welsh Section A’s.

Wessex Training

The “Spotted in Wessex” Training events are well under way with a series of successful sessions seeing lots of new Dalmatians starting their carriage dog training, as well as some who just can’t resist returning to the sport. And don’t they look good!? With thanks, as always, to the volunteer drivers who make the groom handling of carriage dogs possible. These pictures show Hannah King with Leo the Shetland, Veronique Veness with her lovely pony pair Micky and Benjamin Bunny, and Jane Hendy who is practising whip handling of her dog driving Tiff her welsh section B pony. Thanks very much to Ann Hurst for the photos.

Justine and Molly.
Josi Kaal with Lemmy.

And from December’s session:

Caroline Hicks with Finn.
Chris Bryant and Theo.
Jane Hendy whip handling with Bella.
Kenny Hurst and Flekk.
Natasha Fillingham with Talula.
Tori Evans with Loki.
Trudi with Jake. (Jake has very sadly died unexpectedly since his training day. Looking at these pictures, and others you will find on the Society’s Facebook page you can see he was clearly a natural carriage dog with a strong instinct. A lovely dog taken young. RIP Jake.

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