BrriittiisshhCCaarrrriiaaggeeDDooggSSoocciieettyy––MMeemmbbeerrsshhiippAApppplliiccaattiioonnName…………………………………………………………………………………………. Address……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………….. Post Code…………………….. Tel…………………………………. E-mail……………………………………………….. Type of Annual Membership: £7 Single  £12 Family/Joint  £5 Junior  £15 Overseas  Plus £5 one-off joining fee Total enclosed £…………….Subscriptions fall due 1st April in each year, any lapsed memberships renewedon or after the 30th April shall be subject to a rejoining fee. I agree to abide by the Rules of the British Carriage Dog Society – available on request. Signed……………………………………………………Dated………………………Please make cheques payable to British Carriage Dog Society and send to: The Hon. Secretary, Mrs. C. Cleland, British Carriage Dog Society, Spottiswood Cottage, Carters Corner, Hailsham, East Sussex,

membership form